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toto's blog

Micro-blog where I talk about recent discoveries, mostly around coffee, photography and technology.

Finally - Jay Jay Johanson

I was recently invited to the podcast Cerebrotempesta, an Italian music podcast. This is a translation of the episode where I talked about the song Finally from Jay Jay Johanson.

How I limit social media?

Describing how I managed to get rid of my addiction to social media without quitting it with incognito windows and virtual machines.

3 step guide to start Hacktoberfest

Last week, the web and design team organised an internal Hacktoberfest. Our goal was simple: contribute to Open Source projects, understand what makes a great contribution experience, and how we could get inspired for our own projects. Here are 3-step guides from our experience during this Hacktoberfest. 1. What should I contribute to? He […]

Top 6 projects from our Hackathon

On the 4th and the 5th of October 2021, the Web & Design team ran a remote Hackathon. The theme of it was to build tools that would make our life easier at Canonical. Creativity and collaboration are at the heart of any Hackathon. 26 visual and UX designers, developers and project managers split into […]

Meet my co-worker, webbot

Like every team, the web team has a set of features that are super useful to automate. We use Hubot, a technology owned by GitHub to write very simple bot scripts that we can interact with. The way we use the bot is mostly via Mattermost. We called it: webbot. In this article I would […]

Open source, teamwork and mental health: my FOSDEM 2021

For the past 4 years I have participated in FOSDEM, a conference about free and open source software for developers. I love this event. It’s a welcome opportunity to see friends, watch great talks and drink excellent Belgium beer. Unfortunately, this year it was a remote event. The event was managed via matrix, a decentralized […]

Tutorials for everyone from everyone

TL:DR The tutorials site was refreshed. Tutorials are written in Discourse. They are then pulled and displayed on different sites: ubuntu.com, snapcraft.io, maas.io and jaas.ai. Contributing to open source tools goes beyond writing code. Some of the best contributions simply explain to others how to use the software through tutorials and […]

How to write an Ubuntu guide

In this guide, you will learn how to write content for ubuntu.com/tutorials. and reach a wide audience of both beginner Linux users and advanced users such as developers and system administrators.